location: Russian cities

client: MSC BL Group

date: 2020-2023

Created as a part of working group LTD «Svetoproekt»


The subject of this work is the development of the concept of architectural, artistic and landscape lighting of the city. The work aims to create a holistic light-colour environment to form a comfortable, safe and artistically expressive city appearance.

Besides the features mentioned above, other aspects are essential for a city resident, such as security, accessibility and identification of the hometown. A resident wants to be able to say with pride: "This is my city. I live here with pleasure." Light is the material of the night space to achieve this goal.

This work includes the vision of the lighting designer for specific solutions and a recommendation, a kind of STRUCTURE for working with illuminated urban space. It allows us to achieve the best practical result since a detailed description of the tools and the proposed solution allows the end customer and the contractor to understand the specialist's logic and critical idea.




Architectural and artistic lighting is offered for objects with important visual connections, urban dominants, and buildings with functions of increased importance for the city. When choosing objects of architectural and artistic lighting, we highlight those ones that are significant in the spatial situation of the city at the near, medium and far levels of perception.




Dominants, administrative and public buildings


These are the buildings and structures dominating the space, contrasting with the environment in size, shape, and colour. They can be high-rise objects, domes, and spires that are visible from long distances, as well as architectural structures of original shape that stand out in the surrounding buildings.

The design objects are located in different city districts and are citywide points of attraction. Some are objects of cultural heritage.

A separate project should carry out lighting. It is possible to use all types and techniques of lighting, depending on the architectural style and the surrounding evening light-colour environment. It is necessary to increase the expressiveness and attractiveness of the object to emphasize its individuality. A high level of brightness is recommended for urban dominants of general use, and an average level of illumination for objects of district significance. Use the code of rules of SP 52.13330.2016 "Natural and artificial lighting".

For objects located on the main urban points of attraction, the use of colour-dynamic lighting is proposed.



Residential and commercial development in the historic district of the city.

The choice of lighting objects and their categorization is determined by the location of the object, namely the primary automobile and pedestrian flows, as well as the style of facades.

The design objects are located mainly in the city's historical centre and on the city's main outbound highways.

The lighting is concise and restrained.

Local lighting of the main elements of the facade of the building is performed (cornice, pilasters, architraves, pediment, columns - for classical architecture, the upper part, blind vertical sides of facades - for modern architecture).

For a classic medium-storey building located on the first line, it is permissible to illuminate the inter-window openings of the 2nd and 3rd floors to preserve the unified lighting concept of lighting the street and square.

An average brightness level is recommended. Use the code of rules of SP 52.13330.2016 "Natural and artificial lighting".



The design objects are located mainly on the main outbound highways of the city and squares. The architecture is simple, no frills.

Only the lighting of the cornices is performed to maintain a unified lighting concept. In some cases, colour dynamics is used.

The use of accent and flood lighting is not recommended.

A low brightness level is recommended.



Recreational areas

Recreational areas are areas of mass recreation of people. Their main purpose is to restore a person's physical and moral strength.

They include parks, gardens, alleys, urban forests and other objects.



They include parks, gardens, alleys, urban forests and other objects.

- entrance area
- walking area
- active (physical fitness) area
- children's area
- quiet area
- entertainment areas
- cultural and historical area
- parking

Lighting should be carried out by a separate project. It is possible to use all types and techniques of landscape lighting, depending on the zoning of the territory. If necessary, the floor lamp is replaced.



The approach to the illumination of monuments and large-scale monumental and decorative signs installed in urban space differs from the lighting of three-dimensional objects and sculptures exhibited in museums and exhibitions.

A monument on a square, in a park or in front of a building in the evening should be illuminated in such a way as to meet urban planning requirements and become a dominant or a vital landmark correlated with the existing light environment. It is sometimes not possible to reflect deeply the image conceived by the sculptor in the conditions of the city, in the presence of many directions of observation and the absence of suitable points of installation of lighting devices. However, it is worth trying to identify the author's main idea by means of lighting technology. At the same time, the evening perception of the monument will become even more emotional than the perception of the daytime image.




Side lighting from the supports. It is often used to illuminate trees with dense and low crowns. Lighting devices are installed on the existing support of utilitarian lighting and are directed to the crowns of trees outside. This technique will allow you to create background lighting of trees and complement the overall composition of complex lighting. Such lighting is well perceived at long and medium distances.


Lighting from the bottom and side. Lighting devices are installed on low bollards (0.3-0.5 m.) or in special boxes and are pointed upwards. This method of lighting trees from the inside will emphasize the entire texture and shape of the tree, making the trees' illumination more accentuated. It is well perceived at close distances when the viewer is inside the illuminated space.


Road lighting


When lighting the territory of parks, squares and alleys, it is important to pay attention to both comfort and compliance with lighting standards, and the decorative component of the lighting system. The style of lighting poles and the type of lighting equipment is determined by the place of their installation and the landscaping project. Lighting elements should look aesthetically attractive in the daytime.



When lighting pedestrian areas, the creation of comfortable visual conditions primarily implies providing the necessary visibility for the safe movement of pedestrians and transport at a certain speed, the free orientation of pedestrians in urban space and the exclusion of light discomfort when perceiving the environment, including for people who are indoors or in transport.