The Triumphal Gates Island (Moscow)


location: Moscow

Company: Brightelec

client: Consilio

foto: Alexey Lifanov, Brightelec

date: 2021


The Triumphal Gates is the most recognisable sightseeing in Moscow and a reminder of Imperial Russia’s Victory over Napoleon in 1812. It represents the object of cultural heritage of Russia. It is surrounded by 225m-long open exhibition consisting of three themes: Napoleon war of 1812 and Russian army Crusade in 1813-14, Moscow city before and after Napoleon invasion and the History of the Triumphal Arch. During Island’s reconstruction works the complex lighting environment combining functional, landscape and architectural illumination was created.

The concept of the lighting is based on the architectural specifics of the exhibition, which has many angular features. To break down the complex geometry of the landscape simple rounds shapes were added. Their design and simplicity do not take all the attention, and dark grey colour is combined with pillars and other sculptures of the Triumphal Arch during daytime. The way the lamps are set up on the support creates visual effect of the sculptures bowing in respect to the heroes of historic battles.

Enlightened trees visually complete the architectural landscape and create that necessary dynamics drawing the focus towards the main part, the Triumphal Arch.

Light decor of the stands and benches are well integrated into the main architecture.

To illuminate the gates we used the equipment with regulated colour temperature of white. This will allow to pick the most optimal colour solutions and achieve visual comfort knowing specifics of the monument finishing materials and the environment.

Hence we have achieved our goals to emphasise the role of triumphal gates as a centre of the exhibition, create identity of the Island within general city landscape, integrate the project into existing light environment of the prospect and provide security for pedestrians’ visual orientation.




The LIT Lighting Design Awards 2022 «Honorable Mention»


