Urban dominants


location: Severodvinsk

client: JSC "PO "Sevmash"

date: 2019-2020

Created as a part of working group LTD "Svetoproekt"


The building of the plant management "Sevmash"


The plant's Head office building is located along one of the city's busiest thoroughfares, the Arkhangelsk Highway, which completes the central Lenin Avenue and is one of the main dominants in the city, its symbol.

Building lighting is divided into three levels of brightness:

1 - level. The central part of the facade is the entrance group. Viewed throughout the Lenin Avenue. The level of visual perception of the facade is relatively high, so the illumination should be more intense.

2 - level. Outbuilding, side buildings with a significant array.

3 - level. Sides of the facade. In order not to overwhelm them with their massiveness and monotony, it was decided not to illuminate the pilasters fully, as is done on the central part, but to emphasize their sides, revealing them, but at the same time, without overloading the entire facade.

The cornice that is illuminated around the perimeter unites all parts of the facade.




Korabela house.


It is located in the central part of the city - Victory Square, and is a fragment of the existing architectural ensemble. The main city celebrations are held here. This is the most important center of gravity of the city, so the lighting of the building should be one level higher.

The pilasters of the building are illuminated by luminaires with two types of optics: a wider direction downwards to illuminate the area in front of the facade, and a narrower one, in order to illuminate the pilaster as much as possible, is directed upwards. The illumination of the cornice emphasizes all the horizontal lines. RGBW lamps are used to illuminate the attic and trees. They set the mood with colour during the holidays, and this solution will also look great with wonderful window mosaics on the outbuildings, which are a great addition to the overall lighting composition.




It is located on one of the main streets of the city, Lenin Avenue. It is one of the dominants of the avenue, comfortably located among residential five-story buildings of the same era.

The idea of the concept is to reveal the internal volume of the building. By illuminating the entire tempered space, we artificially add volume to the building, revealing the columns through the play of light and shadow. Lamps installed inside the pediment and in window spaces complete the overall picture. The uniform illumination of the cornice emphasizes its decor and unites the building.